Ja till samkönade äktenskap i irländska folkomröstningen

Inte nog med att Sverige vann hela Eurovision, en röstning vars utfall påverkar så många fler har ägt rum i frågan om samkönade äktenskap på Irland, ett av de sista länderna i Europa att avkriminalisera homosexualitet. 

"The Republic of Ireland has voted overwhelmingly to legalise same-sex marriage in a historic referendum.

More than 62% voted in favour of amending the country's constitution to allow gay and lesbian couples to marry.It is the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage through a popular vote. Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny said it was a "small country with a big message for equality" around the world. The referendum was held 22 years after homosexual acts were decriminalised in the Republic of Ireland. Same-sex marriage is now legal in 20 countries worldwide.

What the 'yes' vote means

The Republic of Ireland has a written constitution which can only be changed by referendum. Now that the proposal has been passed, a marriage between two people of the same sex will have the same status under the Irish constitution as a marriage between a man and a woman. They will be recognised as a family and be entitled to the constitutional protection for families. Civil partnerships for same-sex couples have been legal in Ireland since 2010, giving couples legal protection which could be changed by the government. However, married gay people will now have a constitutional standing that can only be removed by another popular vote." 

(Saxat från BBC som var först ut med nyheten.)

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