Dagens musiktips

Mika är killen vars låt Grace Kelly spelas mycket just nu (I could be brown, I could be blue I could be violet sky) men det finns mycket mer att hämta i den kreativiteten. Han skriver själv på myspace:

"I was born in Lebanon and rasied in Paris and London, hopping from country to country like a footloose hippy with my four brothers and sisters.

Coming from different background to most I found no place at school and delved into music from an early age. I started writing songs as a kid, not because of grand ambitions but because it was an easy way to tell a story, a joke and often the truth. Tell the truth in a song and people are less pissed off than if you were to say it to their face."

Något om sjukvården i Skaraborg. Krönika i SLA 18 september 2023

Det finns vissa grundrädslor vi människor har, sådant som vi till varje pris vill undvika, skydda oss ifrån och förhindra. I större eller mi...